About Me

My photo
A unique model - Asian, Alternative and Art Nude all rolled into one petite 5"2 (3/4), 8-10 bundle of joy :) I am a creative individual always on the look out for the new and interesting. I love to play with my environment, experiment and drown in art.

30 March 2011

Busy Busy!

Well, in the two weeks that I've been actively modelling again, I've managed to have four shoots and booked three more upcoming. I don't reckon that's too bad by my standards!

I thought I would post a little photo update - a couple from each photographer I've worked with recently.  James Rozie and Matt Wagg were lovely enough to book my studio day, ensuring I was rushed off my feet and kept busy all day! It was a knackering reminder of modelling, and I loved it - a mix of alternative fashion, playing with brooms, climbing inside of umbrellas and some nicey art-nudes rounded up that day for variety!

Now - Jaycee who booked me through PS wanted some erotica and fetish, so I spent the day playing nudes, nipple clamps, chains and St Andrew's cross.  I have to admit, it was one of those shoots that made me question why I do this...but I smiled, got on with it, chatted and he seemed more than happy with his results - so can't complain :)

And Mr FineArt from WB who I worked with this week and sent me into a haze of bounce, smiles and utter creative buzz all day :) It was awesome. He's lovely to work with - so easy to collaborate with, knows what he wants but allows model to create too, is happy to move on once that 'one' shot from each set is created.  He booked me for two hours, we made it through six sets in 90mins and the images so far are lovely :)

Here we go!:


Matt Wagg:

Mr FineArt: 


9 March 2011


Well a marking of time at least.  I hit 40,000 views on NM yesterday.  Weird. Plus I had a email from one of the first photographers I shot with who wants to shoot again.

So I thought I would post a couple of images from one of my first shoots :)  18years old and fairly clueless!


6 March 2011

Books and Stories

Being a (failing/lazy/sporadic) writer, and an avid reader I've inevitably always written stuff, from poetry to short stories to a little erotica even. I'm currently working on a book - oh yes, a book. A story. A modern tale rags to riches, to rags to medium perhaps story.

Inevitably some of the storyline will be based on experiences, and modelling is one of the themes in the story.  Like, d'uh.  I kind of wanted to highlight some of the lines of modelling, from starting out, to making mistakes, or doing well, or changing styles along the way so to speak...

Well that's my post for today! Very little time and all that ;)